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Monday, February 11, 2013

Flames of the Heart

Flames rise high within our spirits,
as we seek to entice the endless 
passion, which knows no boundaries.

Violins play, a sacred melody of two 
hearts in love, as rose petals challenge
the angry sea, two hearts race together
in ecstasy.

Within your arms, I am lost, in the pleasure
of romance, and among the rapturous delight,
of lovers playing hide and seek.

Until imagination becomes reality, and we 
both lie within a blanket of velvet warmth, 
where kisses and hugs will become priceless 

In the sound of footsteps, within a crowd,
a whisper is lost forever, and in between the 
silence and the roar of the endless masses, 
two hearts beat as one.

Copyright 2013 Frank S. All Rights Reserved


  1. Thank you Rose, for your comment, I appreciate your feedback very much.

    Frank S.
