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Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Fuego Chicano

So many times, you pressed closely
against my flesh, like the sea presses
against the shore, igniting a fiery
passion within my soul.

Blinded by love, I staggered forward
like a drunk, drinking from the cup
of your love.

Now control no longer exists, as we melt
into shadows cast by the flames within our

I savor the sweet essence of your touch, as
darkness covers existence,  like the early
morning mist now covers our bodies.

Rhythmic music weaves its way through a
microcosm of feelings, always felt but never
fully understood.

As we melt together and become one,
somewhere, within the urban jungle, two
hearts in love burn.

And somewhere among the neon lights of
eternity, I’ll take you in my arms once more,
until we are totally consumed, by the flames
of our love.

Frank Solis Copyright 2014 
All Rights Reserved

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